Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 2

This video was very eye-opening for me, in a very literal sense because of the attention it needs in order to catch everything that is introduced to the viewer. It was especially interesting to follow for me because I vaguely understand parts of how the internet works but I definitely do not know how html, xml and other text and such on the internet work. However, I use the internet every day and this class itself is largely based on forms of text on the internet in a blog. I suppose this is the case for most people who use internet, similarly that people drive cars and use gadgets that probably don’t know exactly the engineering behind it. But while a complete understanding of the ins and outs of the internet is not absolutely necessary, it’s still important to notice its impact on our world, even though some of it seems quite obvious and trivial to discuss. You can connect to people faster and access information quicker by using the internet, but that is just looking at someone taking information off of the internet. What about what happens when you put information on a worldwide network? Most people probably don’t think about what is happening to what they write and post or publish or update or whatever mode it is in. People who put information on website may have created the website with the purpose of allowing it to be accessible to the whole world. But some people do not do that with that purpose but it is still accessible. Going beyond the normal spiel that people need to be careful of personal information and so on, it is important to think about the accessibility of all sorts of information. This is important because of its consequences, not always good, on the way people are changing how they think. If someone is more easily able to be contacted by email than by hunting them down by phone or on the street then maybe it won’t be necessary to talk to anyone in person anymore. If information is more easily google-d on a person’s phone than looked up in an encyclopedia, then maybe it won’t even be necessary to remember facts anymore other than how to type. Of course, those are negative possibilities and the internet has definitely provided positive outcomes. I simply believe more people should think about the short-term and long-term consequences of something they use every day.

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